Pictured below is Alicia Riddell, the Most Improved Youth Female Bowler at Cataract Bowl in Niagara Falls. She is pictured with NTBA President Brian Staneff.
Pictured below is Armen Menkemnian, the Most Improved Youth Male Bowler at Fairview Lanes in St. Catharines. He is pictures with Head Coach Rob Kent.
Cataract Junior Bowlers excelled at the 2016 Ontario Provincial Tournament held at Parkway Lanes in St. Catharines.?The youth bowl Saturday mornings at Cataract Bowl Niagara Falls.?For their exceptional performance on the lanes scholarships were awarded.?For more information on the Junior Bowling program contact
Front row
Brayden Grindlay, Cameron Shelton,Dakota Barisan, Keeghan Grindaly,
Back row
Head coach John Theriault, Cole Saari, Kennadi Ryan, Dean Cayouette
The NTBA and the Saturday Morning Youth League at Cataract Bowl in Niagara Falls would like to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of Mike Rose. Mike has been a coach with our juniors since 2000. Mike will be leaving Niagara Falls, due to a career location change. Thanks for your time, hard work and dedication to our youth out on the lanes! All the best to you! Best of luck, and don’t be a stranger.
Joshua Custers and Patricia Grenier, Most Improved Bowlers at Cataract Bowl Youth League for 2014-2015
Joshua Custers and Patricia Grenier, Most Improved Bowlers at Cataract Bowl Youth League for 2014-2015
Alyssa Noble & John Theriault Jon French & John Theriault
Tyler Montreuil & John Theriault, Rachel Montreuil, Patricia Grenier, Tyler Montreuil, Joshua Custers &?John Theriault
Congratulations to all the bowlers who participated in the annual Jack Erb Memorial Tournament. These bowlers (pictured with their adult bowling partners) were awarded scholarship monies totally $600!
From Left to Right (BACK) – Daryl Allen, Barry Noble & Eric Grindlay
From Left to Right (FRONT) – Taylor Allen, Allysa Noble & Keeghan Grindlay
Congratulations to Andre Grenier who was awarded the 2013/14 Junior Bowler of the Year. Andre bowls in the Junior/Senior League at Cataract Bowl in Niagara Falls.
1st Picture (Left to Right): John Theriault, Mike Rose, Charlie Ryan, Andre Grenier, Dan Phillips
2nd Picture (Left to Right): John Theriault, Mike Rose, Andre Grenier, Charlie Ryan
Congratulations to Miranda Panas of St. Catharines, Ontario who finished 3rd at the National World Cup Finals in Montreal. To boot, Miranda also bowled a perfect game. Congratulations Miranda on representing Fairview Lanes, the NTBA and the Niagara Region with professionalism and dignity.